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Wednesday 3rd April 1912

W.D. Reid Esq.,

President, Reid Newfoundland Co., Waldorf Hotel, New York.

Dear Sir,

We have the pleasure to enclose the contract agreements for the construction of the two steamers we have arranged to build for your Company also a private letter explaining the agreement by which we are to refund to you the saving in case the actual cost and the agreed percentage of profit is less than the total contract price of £91,500. In this letter you will notice that for No. 898 the fixed sum is £4,700 – this increase is the 10% on the increased price of the ships.

With regard to delivery of No. 906 although the date remains in the contract 16th April 1913 as originally agreed it is understood we will do our best to, if possible, give you delivery of this vessel by the end of February 1913.

We trust you will find everything in order in these contracts and we shall be obliged if you will kindly complete same and return one copy of each to us together with £4,350 (£2,500 plus £1,850) the amount due on the signature of the contracts.

We will do our best to build satisfactory boats for you, and thanking you for favoring us with the order, we are,

dear Sir,

Yours Faithfully

Source: The Rooms, Provincial Archives









